We are so excited to be hosting our very first virtual winter programs! Get a sneak peek of our teen bunks at Le Club EFBA, and learn more about two of our Digital Camp Counselors, Christopher and Louis.
Which counselors will be leading activities with our teens this winter?
- Lidvine, our resident DIYer and chef
- Christopher, who loves sports and dressing up. He always manages to surprise us!
- Louis, our escape game specialist and puzzle master
- Julia, our cooperative games enthusiast, who helps create social bonds while having fun
What made you want to try the virtual camp adventure at EFBA again?
Christopher: Last summer, EFBA organized virtual camps for the first time. I didn’t know what it was going to be like at first, but then I realized that the kids bonded with each other and were having fun, even while staying at home. As the weeks went by, we discovered that you could adapt an array of activities to a digital format, and I liked the challenge. The kids were amazing, and I realized I was having as much fun as them at the end!
Louis: As an EFBA counselor for 3 years, I have seen how rewarding and entertaining it is to exchange cultures, and all while having fun. And honestly, I had that same feeling with the virtual camps this summer. I was pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm of the children who quickly adapted to the new virtual environment! I really enjoyed being an EFBA counselor this summer, and I was very happy to see that the children were interested in La Francophonie, all having fun and creating bonds despite the distance.
What types of activities will you offer in the teen bunks (ages 11-14)?
Christopher: We are offering activities in line with our camper’s interests and desires, and we are concocting tons of surprises for them, like escape games, cooperative games, arts and crafts, virtual museum visits, and sports activities, so that they can spend the winter holidays at home having fun in French!
What do you do outside of EFBA?
Louis: I’m pursuing my Master’s degree in education at university. I want to become a plastic arts teacher and am therefore passionate about all forms of art! In particular, I draw, paint, make music and do theater. I also love football, which I have been playing from a young age.