The Project “Une langue, Mille Accents” invites francophone volunteers from all over the world to tape one or multiple texts of their choice associated with listening activities available in the Virgule exercise books. The MP3 files generated will be published anonymously in July 2019 on the website of the Virgule collection. The aim is to clearly demonstrate the diversity of accents and voices in the French language, since EFBA’s objective is to educate children on cultural diversity, to encourage an authentic practice of the French language, and to train active listeners.

If you are francophonic and proud of your accent, we need your voice… Do not hesitate to contribute to the education of francophone children all over the world by taking part in our project:

“Une langue, Mille Accents” is fully integrated into the whole project of the collection Virgule. Since 2015, EFBA has made the Virgule collection and FLAM  (French Maternal Language) exercise books available for download on the website in accordance with the Creative Commons license for free distribution and usage (CC BY -ND 4.0).

This complete method of teaching French makes two workbooks available for each of the 6 levels (PF1, PF2, MF1, MF2, GF1, GF2) as well as complementary material: teaching guides, an interactive online Planète Virgule platform, and online resources in the form of MP3 files related to the listening activities available in the student exercise books to be published in 2019.


Author: Nadia Bodin

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