EFBA Yearbook
Why publish a yearbook?
Building a strong community is something that we value for all of our classes. Our annual yearbook allows us to look back on all of our accomplishments.
What does the EFBA Yearbook look like?
The EFBA Yearbook is a digital publication (although families have the option to order a print version). It includes student, teacher and administrator photos, as well as student artwork, poetry, short stories, interviews, candid shots of classroom activities, a cover art contest, etc.
Promotional space is available, but limited. Please email social@efba.us for more information on how to become a sponsor.
The EFBA Yearbook is exclusive to the Afterschool Program
We love our whole EFBA Community, with all its programs, but this publication is exclusive and only available to the following stakeholders:
- Families currently registered in the EFBA Afterschool program
- Active Afterschool program teachers
- Active EFBA Administrators
- EFBA Board of Directors
- EFBA Yearbook Sponsors
How can I be involved?
We need parent support to make this project a success! For example:
Does EFBA have permission to publish your child’s photo?
This is a required field in the Afterschool program registration form. You can review your preferences at any time by logging into your EFBA account.
- Yes, we opted in! > Fantastic! No action required.
- No, we opted out. But I want my child to appear in the yearbook! > Email social@efba.us to let us know. Or change your general preferences by logging in to your EFBA account (instructions here).
- No, we opted out. > No action required. Your child’s photo will not be published in the yearbook.
Do you have photos to contribute?*
Did your child make an awesome Galette des Rois? Was their homemade costume for the play absolutely IG-worthy? Take a picture and share it with your child’s teacher or social@efba.us
*EFBA reserves the right to select which photos will be printed in the yearbook.
Would you like to volunteer with the Yearbook Team?
Many hands make light work! Become an EFBA Community Coordinator volunteer. Calling all graphic designers and fundraisers, photographers and project managers – everyone is welcome! Email HR@efba.us to express your interest or ask for more information.

Interested in sponsoring our yearbook?
With your sponsorship in the form of an ad in our yearbook, your business will reach over 300 EFBA families, as well as staff, volunteers, and board members. Many of our families are from or travel frequently to French-speaking countries and long to travel after the pandemic. If you are interested in promoting your business to the EFBA community, please contact social@efba.us for more information.
Space is limited, so become a sponsor today!
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